Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Does your girlfriend play games? (computer ones)

I've always considered myself quite lucky that my girlfriend plays videogames and has an exceptionally high tolerance for me playing them constantly as well. If you are one of those unlucky blokes that is constantly being asked to turn off your consoles then this link may help although it's absolutely hilarious in its approach to coercing your girlfriend into enjoying your hobby:


Initially i thought it would be lame but after reading it i see that it's actually quite on the ball in terms of womens thought processes while albeit being extremely patronising at the same time.
A case in point is that it claims that girls would get no enjoyment in playing a game like Soul Calibur, for instance. I scoffed at this as my girlfriend probably played Soul Calibur 4 more than i did but then i noticed the psychology that they employed behind it. They state that to encourage your Mrs to play it you should first show them the character design page and let them design their own character that they can empathise with. Oddly, without even knowing it, this is exactly what i did.
It also mentions purchasing her a DS and a copy of, amongst others, Trauma Center, which i also did!!
I began to get quite scared, maybe i was inadvertently tricking my g/friend into playing games. The relief came when i realised that the article plumbed depths that i would never consider in a million years spanning from romance to hand relaxation techniques.

This is Emma Frain, a typical woman. See how she has trouble keeping her clothes on? How is she expected to play games if she can't even stay clothed? With massages and a carefully constructed reward system, that's how. Notice the tiny hands.

Where this article falls down, quite humourously, is the way it describes your girlfriend in essentially the same way you would a dog. If someone told me that it was written by Cesar Millan of Dog Whisperer fame then i wouldn't argue with them. Turns out it's actually a girl who wrote it although i'm not sure what planet she's on.
According to the author, girls find it cute when i struggle to contain my rage at a game but feel a little put off when i hurl my pad across the room. There's nothing they enjoy more than watching me in a frenzy, spitting everywhere as i brand the TV and its contents every name under the sun. Girls sit there doe-eyed and brimming with love while i implore the heavens as to why the game is so unfair like a petulant child. Granted, alot of this is reassuring.


Luckily my girlfriend enjoys the odd videogame session but in a healthy, non-aggressive way - if you are not so fortunate however then the link above can teach you tricks to fool your better half into believing that she likes gaming.
From casually browsing the games section in a shop and idley pointing out titles she may like - coaxing her to eventually buy something, to teaching her hand stretching exercises so her delicate hands don't cramp up, right down to not physically forcing her to play for 8hrs at a time - this article has everything. Some of it is odd as i can't imagine forcing anyone to play a game for any length of time, i guess where the author of the article comes from blokes sit there with canes, wrapping the knuckles of their g/friends when they dare to release their grip on the sweat soaked pad.

Another approach that she suggests, and for the romantics among you, there's even a method of teaching her the controls to a game that isn't dis-similar to the pottery wheel scene in Ghost. It's total genius. Get over there now and learn how you can trick your dog...sorry, girlfriend into loving games without them even realising what you're doing to them.


  1. Oh good God, I really hope her article isn't meant to be taken seriously!

  2. Haha i think it is meant to be taken seriously :D I can't believe how thorough she is!! Even incorporating hand massages into the experience - i think gaming for her is a slightly surreal experience.

  3. Haha you are a guinea pig!! Tomorrow i'll be bringing my PSP with me and unless you play it for 12hrs straight there'll be hell to pay. Then we'll go into town and browse game shops until you commit to buying something, after that you can give me a relaxing hand massage if my hand is sore from too much gaming.

    Then you can jump through flaming hoops and fetch my paper - it's all in the guide to tricking your girlfriend.

  4. isn't me who should be getting the hand massage?

  5. I suppose it is technically but we'll just overlook it this time. She also mentions that i should encourage you while you play and not get angry, every once in a while i'll give you a mini tub of Ben and Jerrys if you do well at a game or a new pair of shoes if complete Phantom HourGlass.

  6. I would play videogames for that kind of special treatment!

  7. You played Toy Story 2!! Didn't anyone massage your hands or congratulate you while you played? You missed out mate.
